Author: David W. Gilmore
What Is Music?
Music. We’ve all heard it. Even someone who can’t hear music has a limited knowledge of it because they can often “feel” it. So, this might seem like a weird question to ask. If you ask any random stranger on the street if they know what music is, they’ll say, “of course”! But, ask them…
Why You Should Stream Music In 2025
Last time, I made a strong case for why you should still buy music CDs. So, it may seem odd that now I am going to tell you to stream your music with streaming services. Did I change my mind? Am I being a hypocrite? Aren’t you either Team Physical Music vs Team Digital Music?…
5 Reasons You Should Buy CDs in 2025
Up until 2014, I had a decent collection of CDs. I had about 300 tucked away under my bed in a couple of those long, skinny storage bins. Eventually, I rationalized that I needed the space for something else. And, besides, I had ripped all of them to my computer anyway and primarily listened to…
Behind The (Theology In) Music
I have always felt a deep connection to all things music. Many of my earliest memories have to do with music – spinning Beach Boys: Endless Summer over and over on my grandma’s record player, tearing open the yellow and white speckled cardboard sleeve that contained Michael Jackson’s Thriller cassette when my Mom brought it…
What Is Theology In Music?
Editor’s Note: If you want to get straight to the answer, you can jump to the bottom of the page. But, where’s the fun in that? If you have landed on this page, you likely arrived here by search engine. That means you searched for something like “theology and music”. Or “music and theology”. Or…